Originating from Thailand (formerly Siam), Siamese cats are known for their striking blue almond-shaped eyes, sleek bodies, and large ears. They are very vocal and affectionate.
While the modern Persian cat is associated with Iran (formerly Persia), this breed has a long history throughout Asia. They are known for their long, luxurious fur and sweet, gentle personalities.
This breed comes from Burma (now Myanmar) and is known for its striking blue eyes, long silky fur, and distinctive color points. Birmans are gentle, affectionate, and enjoy being around their human families.
A cross between the Persian and the Siamese, the Himalayan has the long fur of the Persian and the color points of the Siamese. They are gentle, calm, and make great indoor pets.
The Bengal cat was developed by crossing domestic cats with the Asian leopard cat, a wild cat species. Bengals are known for their striking spotted coat and energetic, playful nature.
One of the smallest cat breeds, the Singapura originates from Singapore. They have a short coat, large eyes, and a playful yet affectionate temperament.
Originating from Turkey, this breed is known for its long, silky coat and elegant body. Turkish Angoras are playful, intelligent, and can have a range of eye colors, including odd-eyed (two different colored eyes).
Native to Japan and Southeast Asia, this breed is known for its unique pom-pom-like tail. Japanese Bobtails are active, intelligent, and known for their strong vocal abilities.
This breed hails from Thailand and is known for its silver-blue coat and heart-shaped face. Korats are affectionate, intelligent, and have a strong bond with their owners.
This natural breed from China is known for its distinctive brown mackerel tabby pattern and almond-shaped eyes. They are strong, agile, and have a gentle temperament.