8 Breeds Of Adorable Dog Likely To Stick To Their Owner Like Glue

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1. Labrador Retriever 

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Labs are renowned for their friendly, outgoing nature and unwavering loyalty to their families. They often seek close companionship and thrive on being near their owners. 

2. Golden Retriever 

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Similar to Labs, Golden Retrievers are affectionate and devoted companions, known for their gentle and loving temperament. 

3. German Shepherd 

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Intelligent, loyal, and protective, German Shepherds form deep bonds with their families. They are often fiercely loyal to their owners and make excellent watchdogs. 

4. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 

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These small dogs are affectionate, gentle, and eager to please. They are known for forming strong attachments to their owners and enjoy being by their side. 

5. Border Collie 

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Highly intelligent and devoted, Border Collies are known for their strong work ethic and loyalty. They thrive on forming close relationships with their owners. 

6. Boxer 

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Boxers are energetic, playful, and loyal dogs. They form strong bonds with their families and are known to be excellent companions. 

7. Pug 

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Pugs are charming, affectionate dogs that often form close bonds with their owners. They enjoy being near their humans and thrive on attention and companionship. 

8. Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie)   

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Shelties are loyal, intelligent, and devoted to their families. They often exhibit a strong desire to be close to their owners. 

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