8 Essential Vitamins Which Will Help You Grow Taller

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1. Vitamin D 

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Essential for bone health, as it helps the body absorb calcium. Adequate vitamin D levels are crucial for proper bone growth and density, which can indirectly impact height. 

2. Vitamin A 

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Supports bone growth, vision, and immune function. It aids in the healthy development of bones and tissues. 

3. Vitamin C 

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Important for collagen production, which is vital for bone health and growth. It also aids in the absorption of iron, which is necessary for overall health. 

4. Vitamin K 

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Plays a role in bone metabolism and contributes to bone density. It helps in the modification of certain proteins crucial for bone mineralization. 

5. Vitamin B12   

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Essential for proper nerve function and red blood cell production. While it doesn't directly impact height, it supports overall health and energy levels needed for physical activities. 

6. Vitamin B6 

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Supports protein metabolism and aids in the formation of red blood cells. It assists in the proper utilization of other nutrients essential for growth. 

7. Folate (Vitamin B9) 

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Important for cell growth and division. It supports overall health and aids in maintaining healthy tissues. 

8. Vitamin E 

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An antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage. While it doesn't directly impact growth, it contributes to overall health and well-being. 

Top 8 Foods Rich In Manganese