A cross between a domestic cat and a serval (African wildcat), Savannah cats are known for their striking appearance, resembling a small leopard. Their price can range significantly based on generation and markings.
Marketed as the largest and most exotic domestic cat, the Ashera is a hybrid of the African serval, the Asian leopard cat, and a domestic cat. These cats are extremely rare and can command a high price.
Known for their distinctive spotted or marbled coat that resembles that of a wild leopard, Bengal cats are highly sought after. High-quality Bengals from reputable breeders can be quite expensive.
This breed is known for its lack of coat (completely bald) or a short coat. Peterbald cats can have a unique appearance and are often more expensive due to their rarity.
Persian cats are one of the most popular and oldest cat breeds. The cost of a Persian cat can vary, but certain bloodlines and color patterns may be more expensive.
Known for their elegant appearance and shimmering blue-gray coat, Russian Blue cats are considered a more expensive breed. They are prized for their hypoallergenic qualities.
The Sphynx is a hairless cat breed known for its distinctive appearance. Due to their unique look and the care required for their hairless skin, Sphynx cats are often on the higher end in terms of cost.
Recognized by their folded ears, Scottish Folds are a popular and distinctive breed. The price of a Scottish Fold can be influenced by factors such as coat color and pattern.