8 High Sugar Fruits To Avoid For Weight Loss 

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1. Grapes 

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Grapes contain natural sugars and can be higher in calories compared to other fruits, especially when consumed in large quantities. 

2. Cherries 

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While cherries are nutritious and contain antioxidants, they also have a relatively higher sugar content, so be mindful of portions. 

3. Mangoes  

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Mangoes are delicious but are higher in natural sugars and calories. Consuming them in moderation is advisable, especially if you're watching your sugar intake. 

4. Figs 

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Figs are rich in fiber and nutrients, but they're also relatively high in natural sugars. Eating them sparingly can be beneficial if you're aiming for weight loss. 

5. Bananas   

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Bananas contain natural sugars, particularly when they're ripe. While they're nutritious, they might be higher in carbohydrates and sugars compared to some other fruits. 

6. Pineapples  

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Pineapples have natural sugars and can be higher in calories. Moderation in consumption is recommended, especially if you're focusing on weight loss. 

7. Pears 

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Pears are nutritious but also contain natural sugars. Enjoy them in moderation as part of a balanced diet. 

8. Dried Fruits 

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Dried fruits like raisins, dates, and apricots are concentrated sources of sugars and calories due to the removal of water content. It's easy to consume a higher amount of sugar when eating dried fruits compared to their fresh counterparts. 

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