8 Must Try Coffee Drinks

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1. Espresso 

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A concentrated coffee shot made by forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee beans. Served in small quantities, it's the foundation for many coffee beverages. 

2. Cappuccino 

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A traditional Italian coffee drink made with equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam, resulting in a creamy and balanced flavor. 

3. Café au Lait 

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A French coffee consisting of equal parts brewed coffee and steamed milk, often served in a bowl. 

4. Macchiato 

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An Italian term meaning "stained" or "spotted." A coffee macchiato typically includes a shot of espresso "stained" with a small amount of frothy milk or foam. 

5. Café Americano 

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Made by diluting a shot of espresso with hot water, resulting in a coffee that resembles drip coffee but with a stronger flavor.

6. Flat White   

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Originally from Australia/New Zealand, a flat white consists of espresso and steamed milk, similar to a cappuccino but with less foam. 

7. Turkish Coffee 

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A strong and rich coffee preparation made by simmering finely-ground coffee beans in water along with sugar and often cardamom. It's unfiltered, and the grounds settle at the bottom of the cup. 

8. Vietnamese Iced Coffee (Cà Phê Đá) 

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This popular Vietnamese drink features strong brewed coffee dripped over condensed milk, served with ice. It strikes a delightful balance between sweet and bitter flavors. 

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