8 No Equipment Exercises That Effectively Target Belly Fat

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1. Plank 

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Get into a push-up position with your weight on your forearms. Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels, engaging your core muscles. Hold this position for as long as you can, aiming to increase your time gradually. 

2. Mountain Climbers 

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Start in a push-up position, then bring one knee toward your chest and alternate quickly. This exercise engages your core and elevates your heart rate for calorie burning. 

3. Burpees 

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Begin in a standing position, then drop into a squat, place your hands on the floor, and kick your feet back into a plank position. Quickly reverse the motion, jumping back up from the squat position. Burpees are a full-body workout that can help burn calories effectively. 

4. Bicycle Crunches 

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Lie on your back with your hands behind your head and your knees bent. Bring one elbow toward the opposite knee while extending the other leg. Alternate sides in a pedaling motion. 

5. Russian Twists  

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Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet lifted off the ground. Lean back slightly, keeping your back straight, and twist your torso to one side, then the other, while holding your hands together or holding an object for added resistance. 

6. High Knees 

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Stand in place and jog in a way that you bring your knees as high as possible with each step. Engage your core while doing this exercise for added benefits. 

7. Leg Raises 

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Lie on your back with your legs straight. Lift your legs off the ground and then lower them without letting them touch the floor. This exercise targets the lower abdominal muscles. 

8. Jumping Jacks 

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This classic cardio exercise gets your heart rate up and burns calories. While it doesn't directly target the core, it's an effective calorie-burning exercise that can contribute to overall fat loss. 

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