8 Of The Laziest Breeds Of Dog

White Line

1. Basset Hound 

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Known for their droopy ears and sad eyes, Basset Hounds have a relaxed and easygoing nature. While they enjoy walks, they are content with lounging and are generally calm indoors. 

2. Bulldog 

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Bulldogs are sturdy, affectionate dogs with a relaxed demeanor. They prefer short bursts of activity and are more inclined to nap or relax indoors. 

3. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

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These dogs are friendly, gentle, and adaptable. Though they enjoy playtime, they are also content to lounge on the couch with their owners. 

4. Shih Tzu  

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Shih Tzus are small dogs known for their affectionate nature and luxurious coats. They are generally calm indoors and don't require extensive exercise. 

5. Chow Chow 

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Chow Chows have a dignified and independent nature. They are not overly energetic and are content with moderate exercise, often preferring lounging indoors. 

6. French Bulldog 

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Frenchies are affectionate, easygoing, and don't require extensive exercise. They enjoy short walks but are equally content spending time indoors with their families. 

7. Great Dane 

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Despite their large size, Great Danes are known for their gentle and easygoing nature. They have lower energy levels compared to other large breeds and enjoy lounging indoors. 

8. Cane Corso 

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Cane Corsos are large, powerful dogs, but they tend to have a calm and quiet disposition. They require regular exercise but can be relatively low-key when indoors. 

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