8 Of The Worlds Rarest Breeds Of Majestic Cat 

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1. Sokoke 

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Originating from Kenya, the Sokoke is a rare breed known for its striking appearance with a unique, short, and shimmering coat that has a "ticked" pattern. They are agile, active, and have a wild appearance. 

2. Burmilla 

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A relatively rare breed resulting from a cross between Burmese and Chinchilla Persian cats. Burmillas have a luxurious coat with a silver undercoat and are known for their friendly and affectionate nature. 

3. Toyger 

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Toygers are a rare breed bred to resemble a small tiger. They have bold markings on a short, plush coat and are known for their friendly, playful, and social personalities. 

4. Kurilian Bobtail  

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Originating from the Kuril Islands in Russia, Kurilian Bobtails have a unique bobbed tail and a dense double coat. They are known for their intelligence, playfulness, and hunting skills. 

5. California Spangled Cat 

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Developed in the 1980s to resemble spotted wild cats, the California Spangled Cat has a striking spotted coat and is known for its athletic build and active nature. 

6. Selkirk Rex 

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The Selkirk Rex is known for its distinctive curly coat, which can be long or short. They have a loving, calm, and affectionate temperament. 

7. Chausie 

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A rare breed resulting from a cross between domestic cats and jungle cats. Chausies have a wild appearance with a muscular build and are known for their active and intelligent nature. 

8. Ocicat  

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Ocicats have a spotted coat reminiscent of ocelots but are entirely domestic. They are known for their social, outgoing, and playful personalities. 

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