Originating in the Italian Alps, the Bergamasco Shepherd is known for its distinctive corded coat, which resembles dreadlocks. They are herding dogs and are highly intelligent and loyal.
Also known as the Turkish Pointer, the Catalburun is unique for its split nose, which is a genetic feature found in only a few dog breeds. They are skilled hunting dogs, particularly known for their tracking abilities.
The Thai Ridgeback hails from Thailand and is recognized for the distinctive ridge of hair along its back, which grows in the opposite direction to the rest of the coat. They are versatile dogs used for hunting, guarding, and as family companions.
Originating in the Middle East, the Canaan Dog is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. They are known for their agility, intelligence, and loyalty. Historically, they were used as herding and guard dogs.
This small and agile breed from Norway was originally developed for hunting puffins and other seabirds on cliffs and rocky shores. They have unique features like six toes on each foot and the ability to tip their heads backward.
The Azawakh is a sighthound breed from West Africa, particularly Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso. They are known for their slender build and exceptional speed, making them excellent hunters and guard dogs.
Originating in the Netherlands, the Kooikerhondje is a small spaniel-like breed known for its striking coat markings and history as a duck-hunting dog. They are intelligent and make great companions.
Often referred to as the Xolo, this ancient Mexican breed comes in three sizes (toy, miniature, and standard) and is known for its hairless appearance. They have a long history as both companion animals and healers in Mexican culture.