In Japan, umeboshi, or pickled plums, are believed to alleviate hangover symptoms. They're extremely sour and salty, which some believe helps in rehydrating and restoring balance after excessive alcohol consumption.
A popular hangover cure in South Africa involves drinking a concoction known as "buffalo milk," consisting of a mix of cream, spiced rum, and sometimes a bit of brandy. The high fat content is believed to coat the stomach and alleviate discomfort.
Some people in Puerto Rico swear by taking a shot of vinegar mixed with water as a hangover remedy. This sour concoction is believed to help rebalance the body's pH levels.
Mongolians drink soured milk and eat a piece of bread or hangover soup made from fermented mare's milk, which is believed to help reduce the effects of a hangover.
Germans believe in consuming rollmops, which are pickled herrings wrapped around slices of gherkin or onion. The combination of the fish and vinegar is said to help soothe hangover symptoms.
Mexicans often drink a concoction called "Huevos Ahogados," made with tomato juice, spices, chili, and raw egg. This mixture is believed to restore nutrients and replenish electrolytes.
In Poland, people commonly reach for pickle juice to cure a hangover. The briny liquid is believed to replenish electrolytes and aid in hydration.
In certain regions of Peru, a traditional hangover remedy involves blending a skinned frog with herbs and honey. This remedy is believed to restore energy and alleviate hangover symptoms.