8 Swimming Safety Tips For Dog 

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1. Introduce Your Dog to Water Gradually 

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Not all dogs are natural swimmers. Introduce your dog to water gradually and ensure they are comfortable before letting them swim in deeper areas. 

2. Use a Canine Life Jacket 

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Consider using a properly fitted canine life jacket, especially for dogs new to swimming or those with less buoyancy. This helps ensure they stay afloat and provides added safety in the water. 

3. Supervise at All Times 

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Cornish Rex cats have soft, wavy fur and slender bodies. Their playful, kitten-like behavior and their tendency to stay small make them resemble perpetual kittens. 

4. Teach Your Dog How to Exit the Pool 

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Train your dog to locate the pool's exit or teach them where the steps are. This helps them get out of the water easily if they accidentally fall in or become tired. 

5. Avoid Strong Currents and Tides 

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Choose calm, shallow waters for your dog to swim in. Strong currents or tides can be dangerous even for experienced swimmers and could pose a risk to your dog's safety. 

6. Rinse After Swimming 

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Rinse your dog with fresh water after swimming to remove chlorine, saltwater, or any other substances that could irritate their skin or coat. 

7. Be Mindful of Heat and Exhaustion 

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Dogs can easily get overheated or fatigued while swimming. Provide breaks, offer plenty of fresh water, and watch for signs of exhaustion, such as excessive panting or difficulty staying afloat. 

8. Train Basic Swimming Skills 

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Teach your dog basic swimming skills such as how to enter and exit the water safely, basic paddling, and how to stay afloat. This training helps build confidence and ensures safer swimming experiences. 

Top 8 Small Cat Breeds That Look Like Cuddly Kittens Forever