8 Tips on How to Stay Awake When You’re Feeling Sleepy and Tired

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1. Take Short Breaks 

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If possible, take short breaks from your current task. Stand up, stretch, walk around, or do some light exercises to get your blood flowing and increase alertness. 

2. Stay Hydrated   

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Drink water regularly throughout the day. Dehydration can contribute to fatigue, so staying hydrated can help you feel more awake and focused. 

3. Snack Wisely 

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Choose snacks that provide sustained energy without causing a sugar crash. Opt for healthy snacks like nuts, fruits, or protein-rich foods to maintain steady energy levels. 

4. Move Around 

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Physical activity can boost your energy. Take a brisk walk, climb a few flights of stairs, or do some jumping jacks to wake up your body and mind. 

5. Splash Cold Water 

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A splash of cold water on your face, especially on the cheeks and around the eyes, can help invigorate you and provide a temporary energy boost. 

6. Control Room Temperature 

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Keep the room or environment you're in comfortably cool. Warmer temperatures can induce drowsiness, so adjusting the temperature can help you stay alert. 

7. Take a Power Nap 

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A short nap of about 10-20 minutes can provide a quick energy boost and improve alertness without causing grogginess. Longer naps might lead to sleep inertia, making you feel more tired. 

8. Engage Your Senses 

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Stimulate your senses to wake yourself up. Listen to upbeat music, chew minty gum, or have a conversation to keep your mind active and prevent drowsiness. 

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