Fresh eggs are key to a good omelette. They create a fluffier texture and better taste.
Have all your ingredients ready before starting - chopped vegetables, grated cheese, cooked meats, herbs, etc. This ensures they're ready to go when needed.
Use a non-stick or well-seasoned skillet (preferably 8-10 inches) for easy flipping and to prevent sticking.
Heat the skillet over medium-high heat initially, then reduce to medium when cooking the omelette. This prevents the eggs from browning too quickly.
Add a little butter or oil to the skillet before pouring in the beaten eggs. This enhances flavor and prevents sticking.
Bananas are a good source of potassium and contain nutrients like vitamin B6, which helps the body produce neurotransmitters like serotonin, known for promoting relaxation and mood balance.
Pour the beaten eggs into the heated skillet and let them start to set around the edges. Add your fillings sparingly to one half of the omelette to prevent overfilling and make folding easier.
Once the eggs are mostly set but still slightly runny on top, use a spatula to fold the omelette in half. Tilt the skillet to help slide the omelette onto the plate seam-side down.