8 ways to use orange peels for your skin    

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1. Orange Peel Powder Scrub 

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Grind dried orange peels into a fine powder and mix it with honey or yogurt to create a gentle exfoliating scrub.  

2. Skin Brightening Face Mask 

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Blend dried orange peel powder with aloe vera gel or rose water to make a face mask. Apply this mixture to your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes.  

3. Acne Treatment 

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Create a paste by mixing powdered orange peel with water or rose water. Apply this paste to acne-prone areas. The antibacterial properties of orange peels can help fight acne-causing bacteria and reduce inflammation. 

4. Natural Skin Toner 

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Steep fresh orange peels in hot water for a few hours or overnight. Strain the liquid and use it as a natural toner. This toner can help tighten pores and refresh the skin while providing a dose of vitamin C. 

5. Anti-Aging Facial Steam 

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Boil water with orange peels and let it cool slightly. Lean over the bowl, cover your head with a towel, and allow the steam to bathe your face.  

6. Body Scrub 

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Mix ground orange peel powder with coconut oil or olive oil to create a body scrub. Gently massage the scrub onto damp skin in the shower to exfoliate and soften rough areas like elbows, knees, and heels. 

7. Dark Circle Remedy 

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Mix dried and powdered orange peel with cold milk to form a paste. Apply this paste under your eyes, allowing it to sit for about 15 minutes before rinsing off. The natural bleaching properties may help lighten dark circles. 

8. Lip Scrub  

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Mix powdered orange peel with honey or olive oil to create a lip scrub. Gently massage the mixture onto your lips to exfoliate and remove dead skin, leaving your lips soft and smooth. 

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