Persian cats are famous for their luxurious, long, and silky fur. They have a gentle and sweet temperament, with a distinctive flat face and large, expressive eyes.
One of the largest domestic cat breeds, Maine Coons have long, thick fur with a water-resistant outer coat. They are known for their friendly, sociable nature and tufted ears.
Originating from Norway, this breed has a thick, water-repellent double coat that protects it from harsh weather. They are intelligent, gentle, and excellent climbers.
Ragdolls have semi-long, silky fur and striking blue eyes. They are known for their docile and affectionate nature, often going limp like a ragdoll when held, which is where their name comes from.
Siberian cats have a triple coat that's thick and luxurious. They are known for their hypoallergenic qualities and playful, affectionate temperament.
Birmans have long, silky hair that doesn't mat easily. They have striking blue eyes and are known for their gentle, affectionate, and social personalities.
Similar to the Persian breed, Himalayans have long, luxurious fur with distinctive Siamese-like color points. They are gentle, calm, and loving cats.
Turkish Angoras have soft, medium-long fur that's silky and fine. They are known for their playful, intelligent, and affectionate nature.