This is not a specific breed but rather a term that encompasses several breeds like the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, and Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Many places have breed-specific legislation targeting these breeds due to concerns about their perceived aggression.
Known for their strength and protective nature, Rottweilers are sometimes restricted or banned due to incidents related to aggression, although their temperament largely depends on training and socialization.
Historically used as guard dogs, Dobermans have faced bans or restrictions in some areas due to concerns about aggression. However, well-trained and socialized Dobermans can be loyal family pets.
These intelligent and versatile dogs are often used in police and military roles. However, they have been subject to restrictions or bans in certain places due to concerns about aggression.
Similar to the Pit Bull Terrier, this breed has faced restrictions or bans in some regions due to concerns about aggression. They are known for their affectionate nature with proper training.
Their size and protective instincts have led to restrictions or bans in some areas where concerns about aggression have been raised.
This large and powerful Japanese breed is banned in several countries due to its history of use in dogfighting.
Also known as the Brazilian Mastiff, this breed is prohibited in some places due to concerns about aggression and its history as a guard dog.