Top 8 Blue Cat Breeds You Should Know 

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1. Russian Blue 

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Known for their striking silver-blue coat and vivid green eyes, Russian Blues are elegant and gentle cats. They are often reserved around strangers but form strong bonds with their owners. 

2. Chartreux  

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Chartreux cats have a woolly blue-gray coat and copper or gold eyes. They are known for their smiling expression and robust build. Chartreux cats are affectionate and enjoy spending time with their human companions. 

3. British Shorthair  

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While British Shorthairs come in various colors, the blue variant is quite popular. They have a dense and plush blue-gray coat with large round eyes. British Shorthairs are known for their calm and easygoing nature. 

4. Korat  

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The Korat is a Thai breed known for its short, silver-blue coat and large, expressive green eyes. They are considered good luck in their native Thailand and are known for their playful and affectionate behavior. 

5. Nebelung 

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The Nebelung is a relatively rare breed with a semi-longhaired coat that is blue-gray. They have striking green eyes and are known for their gentle and reserved nature. Nebelungs are often compared to Russian Blues due to their similar appearance. 

6. Chartreux    

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Chartreux cats have a distinctive blue-gray coat, a robust build, and copper or gold eyes. They are known for their smiling expression and gentle temperament. 

7. Scottish Fold 

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The Scottish Fold is known for its unique folded ears, but they also come in a variety of coat colors, including blue. These cats have a dense, plush coat and can have either short or long hair. They are known for their sweet and sociable nature. 

8. Oriental Shorthair  

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The Oriental Shorthair comes in a variety of colors, including blue. They have a sleek and slender build with large ears and almond-shaped eyes. Orientals are known for their vocal and affectionate nature. 

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