8 High-Sugar Foods You Should Avoid If You Have Diabetes

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1. Soda and Sugary Beverages  

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Regular sodas and sweetened beverages are high in sugar and can cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels. Opt for water, sparkling water, or unsweetened tea or coffee instead. 

2. Candy and Sweets 

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Candies, chocolates, gummies, and other sugary sweets are high in refined sugars and offer little to no nutritional value. Choose healthier alternatives like fresh fruit or dark chocolate in moderation. 

3. Pastries and Baked Goods 

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Cakes, pastries, cookies, and doughnuts typically contain high amounts of added sugars and refined carbohydrates. These can significantly impact blood sugar levels. Opt for healthier homemade versions using natural sweeteners or alternatives like whole grains or almond flour. 

4. Fruit Juices 

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While natural fruit juices might seem healthy, they are often concentrated sources of sugar without the beneficial fiber found in whole fruits. Eating whole fruits is a better choice as it contains fiber that can slow down sugar absorption. 

5. Processed Breakfast Cereals 

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Many breakfast cereals, especially those marketed to children, can be high in added sugars. Check the nutrition labels and choose whole-grain, low-sugar options or prepare homemade oatmeal with fresh fruits. 

6. Flavored Yogurts 

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Flavored yogurts often contain added sugars. Opt for plain Greek yogurt and add your own fresh fruits or a small amount of honey for sweetness. 

7. Commercial Salad Dressings and Sauces 

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Some salad dressings, barbecue sauces, and condiments can contain high amounts of hidden sugars. Make your own dressings using olive oil, vinegar, and herbs to control sugar intake. 

8. Energy Bars and Granola Bars 

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While marketed as healthy snacks, many commercial energy bars and granola bars are high in added sugars. Look for bars with minimal added sugars or make your own using natural sweeteners like dates or nuts. 

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