8 Ways your Dog Sows They Love You

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1. Tail Wagging 

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One of the most recognizable signs of a happy and affectionate dog is wagging its tail. The speed and direction of the wag can convey different emotions, but a wagging tail often signals excitement and happiness when greeting you. 

2. Cuddling and Nuzzling  

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Dogs may lean against you, snuggle close, or nuzzle you affectionately. This physical closeness demonstrates their trust and desire for comfort and companionship. 

3. Licking 

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Licking is a common way dogs show affection. It's a behavior inherited from puppyhood, signifying grooming and bonding. Your dog may lick your face, hands, or feet as a way of showing love. 

4. Eye Contact  

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Maintaining eye contact with you can be a sign of trust and affection in dogs. Prolonged eye contact releases oxytocin, often referred to as the "love hormone," in both dogs and humans, strengthening the bond. 

5. Bringing You Gifts 

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Dogs might bring you their favorite toys or items, presenting them as gifts. This behavior stems from their desire to share and please you. 

6. Following You Around 

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Dogs that stick close to you or follow you from room to room often do so out of affection and a desire to be near their beloved humans. 

7. Excitement when You Return  

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Your dog might exhibit exuberant behavior, such as jumping, spinning, or vocalizing joyfully when you return home, indicating they missed you and are thrilled to see you. 

8. Relaxing in Your Presence 

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When your dog feels comfortable enough to relax and nap in your presence, it's a sign that they feel secure and content with you. 

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