How To Make Green Tea – 8 Simple Brewing Methods

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1. Hot Water Method 

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Brew green tea: Heat water to 175–180°F (80–85°C). Use 1–2 tsp tea leaves (or bag) per cup. Pour hot water, steep 1–3 mins for desired strength. 

2. Cold Brew Method   

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For cold brew: Add 1 tsp green tea per cup cold water in pitcher. Refrigerate 6–12 hrs (or overnight). Strain leaves/bags before serving.

3. Japanese Sencha Brewing 

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Brew with Kyusu/teapot. Use cooler water (160–170°F or 70–75°C). Steep 1–2 mins for first infusion. 

4. Chinese Longjing (Dragon Well) Brewing  

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Use tall glass/small teapot. Pour 160–170°F (70–75°C) water over 1 tsp tea/cup. Steep 1–2 mins for 1st brew. 

5. Gyokuro Brewing 

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Use cooler water (120–140°F or 50–60°C). Steep 1–2 mins due to lower temperature.

6. Matcha Preparation 

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For matcha: In bowl, add 1–2 tsp matcha powder. Pour hot (not boiling) water (160–180°F or 70–85°C) into bowl. Whisk vigorously in "W" or "M" motion till frothy. 

7. Steam Brewing 

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Gaiwan/small teapot: Pour 160–170°F (70–75°C) water over leaves. Steep 1–2 mins for first infusion.

8. Teabag Method 

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For tea bag: Place in cup, pour 175–180°F (80–85°C) hot water. Steep 1–3 mins, then remove the tea bag. 

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